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    5 fresh tweaks for your spring make-up - including the ultimate English rose blush

    5 fresh tweaks for your spring make-up - including the ultimate English rose blush

    Spring make-up

    The leading make-up artist Andrew Gallimore helps you create spring’s rosy glow – plus a color-pop just for fun...
    These looks above are very natural, rosy and radiant. On the left I added a touch of Nars Lip Gloss in Greek Holiday (£20) to the eyes for a gilded lid, with 
an inner-corner highlight using a twinkling taupe shade from the Nars Narcissist Wanted Eye-shadow Palette (£55). On the right, 
I added a subtle definition to the socket area using neutral, warm shades from the same palette, which is perfect for defining the eyes and packed with wearable 
warm browns and champagne shimmers.

    Made You Blush

    Spring make-up
    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Source: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/beauty/make-up/5-fresh-tweaks-spring-make-up-including-ultimate-english-rose/

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